29 Most Effective and Proven Time Management Techniques – Productivity Side

How many hours do you have in a day?

How many hours do Bill gates have?

-Warren Buffet?

-Elon musk?

-Mark Zuckerberg?

Obviously, On earth, more than 7 billion people live and all have only 24hr in a day.


8760 hours in a year.

Time is the same for every single person. You have to decide, how you can use your time effectively.

Managing your time is more important because time is everything and you can’t buy time for yourself.

You can simply say, “Managing time is time management”.

This post will teach you about time management techniques in detail so you can use your time very wisely.

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Time Hacker: Boost Your Productivity.

Quick Time Management Tips

01. Focus on one task

You may notice when you working on something, you may face distractions and you do multiple things at a time like when you watch your smartphone while you are eating.

Multi-tasking may be good for some people but it may be bad for you,

  • You will get lots of distractions.
  • The important thing will consume lots of time.
  • You will face inefficient and errors in your work.

Focus on one task will save lots of time and don’t think about other tasks in that time.

Thinking about other tasks will divert your mind and you will lose concentration.

02. Planning the day in advance:

Planning is the crucial part when you want to something achieve or accomplish.

Whether it’s a new year party, a friend’s birthday party, or school science project, or a big business plan; all you need is “planning”.

When you plan something your mind wants to know all the aspects of the situation and act like that.

Your subconscious mind will juggle around new aspects of ideas and form a mind map in your brain and lead towards executing or implementing your ideas.

So, planning advance in night about your goals will send a message to your brain to find the possible ways, how someone can achieve that goal.

03. keep a to-do list

While you plan for the night you need to do a to-do list. The to-do list is a list of work you want to do the next day.

You can create a to-do list on a piece of paper or with the help of an application as you wise.

I always use a piece of paper to do my to-do list and sometimes use Todoist. (this is one of the best when you need to do a to-do list in an application )

when you create a to-do list you give your plan a tangible form which means you can touch and look at who it’s looking and you can monitor your progress.

04. Preventing Distractions:

Take a plan, and make a roadmap for it, but when you have lots of distractions surrounding you, then you will always want to give back to your comfort zone.

If you want to achieve something first you have to eliminate your distractions and then you will be able to start focusing on your plan,

To prevent distractions:

  • create a workspace where you always ONLY! work.
  • Turn off all notifications from your devices.
  • Try to avoid distractions while you are at work.
  • have a short time of break.
  • Use applications like cold turkey and stay focused when you distract.

05. Prioritizing:

Prioritizing a list of work means that you give some importance to your work and want to complete those tasks or work.

Try to give priority to those tasks which are most important and urgent to do.

Implementing the Eisenhower matrix (we will talk about it later in this post) will able to solve your priority problem.

When I need it, I always try to implement those things when I need to choose from the task bucket and give priority to my most important and urgent tasks.

06. Delegation:


You have to write your important assignment.

-You have to do shopping.

What you are going to do? sit back in your home and write that assignment or you will go to the shopping mall?

While you filter out from your tasks, some of those, you will find those you can eliminate and can delegate to other people to do the important but not-so-urgent tasks.

By implementing those tactics you will able to create lots of time for yourself.

Then let’s see some of the time management strategies, tips, and tactics other people are using, those who are observing these, well capable enough and implementing those for decades now.

Time Management Techniques

Managing time is hard when you don’t know about it and are not aware of it. Many people always avoid saving time and doing lots of unimportant things.

I remember I spend 15 days watching a television series!



21600 minutes

Just watching a whole television series!

I might know lots of things at that time, if I spend in my learning or any important thing, I might be a level ahead. That series is not bad or I do not regret it for the watch, I learn lots of things about leadership, team management, and lots more. I write about it on LinkedIn also.

So, I have made lots of mistakes in terms of managing my time and I don’t want you to spend your time on unnecessary work.

Those are many people who managed their time well and were capable enough to speak something about it and we also consume their thoughts and implement those things in our daily life.

let’s go…

01. Pomodoro Technique

More than 2 million users use the Pomodoro technique and get results and productively transform their lives.

The Pomodoro is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

Fun fact: In the Italian language “Pomodoro” means “tomato”. Cirillo used the tomato-shaped kitchen timer when he was a university student.

This method is developed to help those people who can’t concentrate on their work, are always around stress, and are always under work pressure.

How it works:

  1. Find out the time required to do a task.
  2. cut down it to 25 minutes of intervals.
  3. set of the timetable and start working.
  4. after every 25 minutes take a 5-minute break.
  5. After 4 rounds of this cycle, you take a 20-minute break. ( a long break, it can be 30 also)
  6. repeat the cycle.

It sort of makes you more comfortable and makes you more focused on your work. Remember you can choose according to your time also.

There is no fixed time of 25 minutes, the logic of this is, an average person can able focus on their work for around 25 to 30 minutes but if you can focus more than it you can use that also.

REMEMBER when you use this technique avoid all sorts of distractions around you in break time only use 5 minutes and don’t use your smartphone if not necessary.

pomodoro technique
Pomodoro technique

02. Kanban Technique

The Kanban technique is initially used in japan by Taiichi Ohno, to increase the production and manufacture of Toyota Automotive.

It’s a visual representation method of tracking the work process with the kanban cards.

By the use of this process, everyone can easily track their work process and do more things in less amount of time effectively and productively.

How it works:

You can use any application or simple pen and paper to use this technique. To use this, you have to define your no. columns you require. Mainly this process has 4 columns; Ideas, to-do, doing, and done.

Kanban Flow Board
Credits: kanban flow

ideas: where you put you brainstorm ideas and thoughts.

To-do: In this section, you assign a task to do.

Doing: This section shows you what you are doing now.

Done: When you finish any task you move to the done section.

  1. Take pen and paper or use any application.
  2. Determine you no. of columns you want to use.
  3. First, head over to the ideas columns.
  4. Then, to-do, doing, done.
  5. And after completing a task or project.
  6. Repeat this.

Softwares that use the Kanban technique.

This is very useful when it comes to managing complex projects.

Kanban Technique
Kanban technique

03. Getting things done(GTD)

David Allen, the author of the book “Getting things done- the art of stress-free productivity” has proposed the rule of prioritizing the task effectively.

Getting things done (GTD) is a 5 step rule of getting your important things done in time and avoiding unimportant tasks.

By “the art of stress-free productivity” you can achieve more, less stress at your work, be more relaxed at your work and track your progress using this framework.

How it works:

The 5 step process is;

  • Capture:

Capture all the ideas, all the thoughts, every time things you want to do. everything writes on paper. whether watching television, web series or spending time on social media, write every single thing that comes to your mind and you want to do.

  • Process:

After capturing all the things, the next step is the process. Process all single things and filter out with actionable or necessary to do or you can eliminate, delete, archive, can delay, or not do. Process every single thing those are written on paper or any kind of software.

  • Organize:

After filtering out, the next step is to organize the things that you are going to do, have an impact on your life, or have a purpose for doing this. Organize all things by priority and those that are useless to do, you can delete or remove or achieve or you do in your unproductive hours.

  • Review:

After organizing, make sure to review all things is anything required for the task or something most needed? make sure to review at least a week and analyze your progress.

  • Engage:

After doing all these things the next simple thing is to get out of bed and start working. after completing a task delete that task from your list and repeat again and again. Don’t do anything across your list if not necessary.

04. BuJo – The bullet journal

The Bujo- The bullet journal helps you to keep organized and stay focused on your goals in busy work.

Bujo was created by Ryder Carroll, a designer in New York City.

This is an analog system plan for “Track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future”

The bullet journal contains 5 main columns;

  1. index:
  2. Rapid logging:
  3. Logs:
  4. Collections:
  5. Migrations:

How it works:

  1. Take a notebook and pen.
  2. Flip to the first blank page, this is going to be your Index.
  3. The title of both pages is “Index“.
  4. Then set up the “future log“.
  5. To set flip to the next blank page and give name as a future log.
  6. You can do 6 month/12-month version also.
  7. let’s look at 6 monthly versions.
  8. Split the 2 blank pages of the future log into 6 parts, one has 3 parts, and another one also.
  9. In those 6 parts, place the name of the months.
  10. Add page no. and add future log into your index page.
  11. Then turn to the next blank page, this would be your Monthly log.
  12. On that page, place date no. on the left-hand side of each line and add the first letter of each day.
  13. On that page, write the monthly task and what you want to do in that month. Add a dot symbol before each task.
  14. Repeat 11 to 13 for the rest of the months.
  15. Add page no. and place it into the index.
  16. Then add daily logs, this is the page where you write about your daily goals with specific symbols.
  • Tasks indicated by a dot ( . )
  • Events indicated by a circle (o)
  • Notes indicated by a dash (-)
  1. These symbols are the signifiers, in this case, you easily differentiate by priority.
  2. Once the month pass, scan the daily one you completed and mark the completed, the one that has no value, strike that. And those which are not completed and want to complete, add that on the next month.
  3. If a need to be done in the future then migrates the task into the future month, and add to the monthly log.
  4. Then head over to the next blank page and create a page called “collections“, where you add notes for your task and add the page to the index.
  5. For more overview watch the video.

In a bullet journal, you can put every single thing you want to add and these are more easily modifiable, and can be scheduled. In less amount of time, you will get all things in one place, that’s a time saver!

05. Eat that frog

Eat that frog is based on prioritizing your work. Brian Tracy said in their book “Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time”. , how you can prioritize your tasks.

suppose let’s say when you wake up you have to eat a jar of frogs 🤢? What should you do?

The jar contains ugly, small, big, and tadpoles to eat. Then which one you should use?

You should start with the ugliest one first then the tadpole. That work also on your tasks, when you do the hardest task of your day then, you can eat the other frog and can eliminate the least important tadpoles also.

How it works:

Let’s say you have different types of work do in your work, and do your work according to priority like;

Task-A: The Most important one, you should tackle this first.

Task B: You should tackle the second most important one.

Task-C: This is the regular task and you should do this after completing Task-A, B

Task-D: This is an important task and this can be delegated to others to do.

Task-E: This one is the most unimportant task to do, the tadpole one.

When you do your task according to your priority level, then you will realize how effective when you finish the most important. (The ugliest Frog)

According to, brian Tracy you should work From Task-A to E. when you do this, then you will realize how much time you get.

Eat that frog
Eat that Frog

Also read: 5 Best Books on Avoiding Distraction and Become More Focused

06. Time Boxing:

Timeboxing is a method that allows you to do certain activities within a certain amount of time (Time boxes). Timeboxing was first popularised by The author James Martin in their book “Rapid Application Development“.

This method is like the Pomodoro technique, instead of 25 minutes, you decide the time according to your work level and how much time the activity takes.

How it works:

  1. Identify all you task which are you want to do.
  2. Assign more time for an important task and less for the least.
  3. Break down the difficult task into smaller parts so that it becomes easy to do and assign a timebox.
  4. Start your important work first then others.
  5. Stop when time runs out according to your timebox.
  6. Take break.
  7. Finish the task according to your timebox.
  8. After finishing, the work, start working on another task.

As you can see this is like the Pomodoro technique but assign the timeframe according to your capability.

This might be led towards hurry up to finish the work.

Software that uses time boxing:

  1. google calendar or any kind of calendar.

07. Time blocking:

Time blocking is used to assign a specific time to act on a certain task on that timeframe only.

The method is popularised by Elon Musk. He always uses time-blocking when he works on something and also found that he also uses this when he does any kind of meeting.

Benjamin Franklin, use time blocking for sleep, food, and recreation. Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen uses time blocks for “time to think” and for sleeping.

Every day Cal Newport spends 20 minutes to time block for the next day and Bill Gates uses it to schedule their day.

Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter and CEO of square schedule their time according to the theme and for that he also said,

On Monday, at both companies, I focus on management and running the company…Tuesday is focused on the product. Wednesday is focused on marketing and communications and growth. Thursday is focused on developers and partnerships. Friday is focused on the company and the culture and recruiting. Saturday I take off, I hike. Sunday is reflection, feedback, strategy, and getting ready for the week. — Jack Dorsey

How it works:

There are 4 stages of time blocking;

  • The planning stage: Assign your tasks according to your priority and importance level.
  • The Blocking stage: Assign each task with a certain amount of time with no. of days, minutes, or hours. it can be short or can be long, according to your capacity.
  • Allocate the most priority task in your most productive hour to finish the task easily.
  • Like above, assign the least important task on unproductive hours. and monitor your work with your calendar.
  • In the acting stage: start working on your most priority task.
  • Between your work take a break and make sure to add time for a break in the calendar.
  • The revising stage: if a task takes longer or shorter than your time block adjust that time of the day.

You might be thinking timeboxing is similar to time blocking. But both are not equal,

Time blocking and timeboxing both involve strictly assigning a certain amount of time but time blocking works on strictly assigning a certain amount of time and timeboxing works on limiting the time used to finish a task.

Timeboxing helps to eliminate distractions, discourage, unproductive, and multitasking.

David Allen once faces criticism for avoiding this, but later in an interview in 2014, he supported time blocking by saying, "yesterday I blocked my calendar for two different time slots to work on a project."

Software that uses Time blocking:

  • Plan
  • HourStack
  • Planyway
  • TickTick Premium
  • SkedPal

08. Inbox-zero:

Inbox zero is an approach towards your emails, and managing your email to keep it empty or close to empty.

We know how important emails you receive when you handle an organization or institution. There are might be lots of important emails you receive around your day. But when a notification pops up we suddenly check our mobile phone.

but that is a bad approach towards handle your emails, when you are distracted when you do your most priority task. But we can save lots of time by applying this.

How it works:

  1. Assign a specific time for you, according to your importance.
  2. open your mail
  3. Block all distractions and don’t navigate from your mail tab.
  4. prioritize your mails
  5. Replay immediately the most important emails and emails that can reply in a short time.
  6. Move emails that you have to replay, create a specific folder for this and add to this folder.
  7. Delete or archive unimportant or old emails.
Inbox zero method

09. Who’s Got the monkey:

The monkey principle works on delegating tasks and managing tasks. This is used by project managers to ensure all delegate and manage tasks by assigning the tasks to a specific person.

This principle is first introduced by William Oncken in his book “Managing Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey.”

Here “Monkey ” refers to specific tasks. According to this, there are 3 types of monkey’s

  • Boss-imposed time: This requires the involvement of the boss and their decisions
  • System-imposed time: This require the opinion of team members to do.
  • Self-imposed time: This is the task managers do their own and responsible for.

How it works:

  1. Identify the type of “monkey”.
  2. Assign the monkey to a person or a group.
  3. Examine the person involves in “monkey” to handle appropriately.
  4. Review the monkey properly, and identify any mistakes or any kind of add-ons.
Monkey principle

10. Action method:

The action method is based on managing all things as a project and tackles those. The projects might be,

  • A big work project
  • Family or your Finances
  • World tour
  • Buying a house
  • anything

How it works:

  1. identify the project, if big then chope in small pieces.
  2. Action steps: Those works which are involved in the project and finished.
  3. References: Any kind of information, links, or raw materials need to take action on the project.
  4. Backburner items: All projects you are not working on now but maybe work on later periods

After doing this you are confident enough to do a task and are able to finish it on time.

Most importantly, you don’t have to push your brain after finishing a project and head over to the next backburner items.

11. The Eisenhower matrix:

These time management techniques prioritize your work according to your importance and urgency.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States proposed this matrix.

This is a 2 by 2 matrix that identifies important tasks/ unimportant tasks, urgent and unurgent tasks to do in your day.

This can create the time for us to perform your tasks according to this.

This has 4 sections/blocks to identify tasks.

  1. Do first: The most important tasks.
  2. Schedule: Those tasks which are regular tasks
  3. Delegate: The tasks which can be done by others
  4. Don’t do: The tasks which are you want to do but those are not created any value
Eisenhower method
Eisenhower Matrix

How it works:

  1. identify the tasks according to these 4 types.
  2. First, do the “Do first” section.
  3. Then you should do the important but not so urgent one.
  4. You can schedule the tasks that are not important but urgent to do.
  5. You can eliminate or can do the “Don’t do ” section on your unproductive hours.

12.Biological Primetime:

The biological prime time is the most productive hours, in those hours your energy level is high, and can accomplish your most important tasks in those hours.

To identify those hours you can work on a certain amount of days (let’s say 30 days) and can analyze the hours you are most active, motivate, and your energy is high.

Once you find the biological hours you can start working on your tasks.

The concept “The biological Primetime” is first introduced by Sam Carpenter in his book “Work the System“.

How it works: (How to identify the biological prime time?)

  1. Work a certain amount of days (let’s say 30 days)
  2. Analyze all hours and all days.
  3. Find the hours in which you are most active, motivate to work, and your energy level is so high.
  4. Once you got some hours in your day, this is your prime time.
  5. Do your most important task in your prime time.
  6. Assign less productive hours to do other works.

13. The Productivity journal

The productivity journal takes off the regular journals, its make your mind from all sort of stress and you can reflect on it.

This is not a personal journal, this journal is for your thoughts, ideas that can create a valuable impact in your life.

How it works:

  • Write all your ideas, thoughts that you want to work on your day.
  • Write all you activities that you have completed in a day but you want to take a look at. (This might help you to find errors in your work.)
  • Write a list of tasks you want to work on the next day.
  • Each day you got some tasks to do. tackle hardest first and notice the time it takes.
  • Take breaks in that time frame.
  • After finishing your work, analyze it again and put it on the list to look at later.
  • Reflect on your mistakes and errors while doing your work.

14. The Seinfeld method:

This is the very interesting method claimed to be inspired by Jerry Seinfeld’s quote, “Don’t break the chain”

This is a calendar system of analyzing your workdays or productive workdays by putting red color on the calendar when you work and when you don’t work that was “Don’t break the chain”.

The flow you create when you work on your task constantly and continuously, you are putting the chain. when you don’t work and break the flow of working you are breaking the chain.

This is very useful to building any habit whether it’s communication, writing, public speaking, coding, or any skill.

How it works:

let say you want to Write skill;

  1. Take a red color marker and a calendar.
  2. When you write something and improve the skill, you mark red on that specific day.
  3. As you continuously learning, the red mark also increasing.
  4. when you don’t write something on that day you don’t mark red on that and you are “breaking the chain”.
  5. So, write every day so that you don’t break the chain.

this way you can acquire lots of learning for skills and keep improving and getting better day by day.

The Seinfeld method
The Seinfeld method

Also read: 10 Best Good Habits to be Productive in your life

15. The 5 minutes Rule:

The 5 minutes rule tells you to pick a task and do it for the next 5 minutes and analyze whether you want to work on it or not?

this is very effective to know the task is difficult to do, or you don’t have the interest to do at that time. It makes you more confident of choosing the right task for you.

It also manages your stress level when you don’t want to do it just Quit.

How it works:

  1. Pick a task you want to work on.
  2. Work for the next 5 minutes and notice your interest, energy level, and motivation.
  3. If you take an interest and want to do the work then work until you don’t want to work.\
  4. if you don’t have the interest to do the work, just quit.

16. To-Done List:

Instead of taking a list of work you want to do or accomplish, you can make a list of things you already finished or accomplished.

This way you found work traction on your work and daily worklist.

How it works:

  1. Take a pen and paper and list down the work you already finished.
  2. On the right side of the task make sure to write, what you learn after completing this?
  3. Then write when you have to do the task next, how you can do that very effectively and improve your results.

17. To-Don’t List:

We always create a to-do list in the morning or before night to know what are things I have to do on that day.

But you can create a list of things you don’t have to do or To-Don’t list. This way you can see how you can eliminate distractions by avoiding the things which are written on the list.

How it works:

  1. Before going to work, write down the thing you don’t do on that day.
  2. This is can be distractive elements, remove those.
  3. include the word “don’t” to know, this is not going to do in that day.
  4. Create every day a “To-Don’t” list with a to-do list.

18. Flowtime Technique

This technique says to work on a certain amount of time you want to work on, then keep working until the time off, after time off you decide whether you want to work? if no, take a break.

In 2015, Dionatan Moura, a software engineer was introduced the “Flowtime Technique”.

How it works:

  1. Select a task you are working on, and the specific time to work on it (e.g 30 minutes).
  2. After completing the timer, ask yourself whether you work to work on or not.
  3. If yes work 10 minutes more on your work; if no, take a break.
  4. After the 10 minutes again ask yourself, whether you can focus more time on the work.
  5. After a point, you will don’t want to work, take a break.
  6. Then, start working again.

You can notice this is like the Pomodoro technique but you decide the time according to yourself.

19. Top Goal:

We all have top goals and want to achieve our top goals. identify the top goal, assign a certain amount of time to it and work every day.

The concept about the “Top goal” was cleared by Greg McKeown in his book “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less“.

How it works:

  1. pick your top goal
  2. schedule for 2 hours each day on that work.
  3. it’s best to work early when everyone sleeping and no one disturbs you.
  4. stick to the routine
  5. Avoid all distractions.
  6. Only worktop goal on that 2 hours.
  7. You do other works on later part of the day.

You will realize who you have your process and growth about your top goals and you got lots of time to accomplish your most important thing.

Also read: 7 Simple Steps To Achieve Any Goals In Your Life 

20. Pareto Analysis (a.k.a., the 80/20 rule)

The Pareto Analysis or “the 80/20 rule” states that 20% of action or activities leads towards 80% of your result or outcomes.

E.g, you have complete a project, then 20% of your activities might be the planning or preparation for the project, for those things you will want to complete your goal, and that the 80% of your result or outcome.

The Pareto principle, first introduced by Vilfredo Pareto in 1985, saw that few people are people who have wealth(20%), after that the mathematician M.O. Lorenz developed the graph and illustrate it.

How it works:

  1. identify a certain goal or task.
  2. Chop the goal into different small tasks that can achievable.
  3. Identify the 20% of the work that leads towards finishing that goal.
  4. Do 20% of the task.
  5. After 20% of work, you will want to finish the work. (80% of result)

Pareto analysis is a diagram showing which cause should be addressed first.

Pareto Analysis (a.k.a., the 80/20 rule)
credits: Wikipedia

21. Parkinson’s Law:

Parkinson’s law allows any task to do in the least specific amount of time you need (deadline).

let say you have to write a letter to your lovely mother. You get a shower, sit down on your couch, take 1 hr to think about what you are going to write about, spend another 1hr to find the best paper and pen to write, then you spend time 1hr to get good words and sentences to write and finally you started writing and finish within 8hrs.

In the next scenario, you have to write a letter to your mother in 8 minutes, then you started writing, after 8 minutes you completed.

This is the same letter and the same words are written on it but one take 8hrs and another one just 8 minutes

when we get closer to our deadline we started working and with less time it was finished also.

This is a concept Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote in the Economist in 1955.

How it works:

  1. pick a project or task or a goal.
  2. set least amount of time on deadline.
  3. started working on immediately
  4. you will finish the work on time.
Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson’s law Credits: timeflies.us

22. Pickle Jar Theory:

The pickle jar theory is a time management technique that shows the pickle jar as the time that is limited, in that jar you have to decide what you are going to fill out.

Every day we fill out with unimportant or less important work then we just reget of doing those.

This theory shows the pickle jar contains big rocks, pebbles, and sand.

The big rocks: Those are the most important work that adds value to your life.

pebbles: Not most important work to do but less important works.

Sands: The unimportant works that are not adding value to your life.

How it works:

  1. Take a jar (Take pen and paper)
  2. Add 3-4 big rocks into the jar (Add important tasks)
  3. Then, add some pebble and make them fit into the jar (Add less important works)
  4. Then, add a handful of sand and make them fit (Add unimportant tasks)
  5. Then, add water to them.

The idea around this is There are lots of things in the jar big rocks, pebbles, and sand, but look at the volume of each item; then you can found which one you have to do first.

if you argue why we only add big rocks or pebbles? Just think, when you add just big rocks then the would-be break, that is the idea behind it.

Pickle Jar theory
Pickle Jar Theory


Tony robbins’ rapid planning method is a time management strategy that would shift your focus around noise, distraction and add attention to your busy life.

The legendary writer and thinker Peter Drucker once said, “What gets measured gets managed.”

To understand this easily let take an example, A big fat boy wants to lose weight but when you get measurable and time-managed action, such as “I am going to lose 10kg within 2 months”.

How it works:

  1. Write all “musts” (tasks) of your week.
  2. Make category of related “musts”.
  3. Apply RPM
  • Result-oriented: We all just love to see results and want to achieve something, make your goals more result-oriented that when you imagine you will the Outcomes, clarity has the power.
  • Purpose-driven: Why you want to lose weight? The purpose is most important to accomplish the goals and finding out purpose will make you feel self-motivated to do the work.
  • Massive action plan: Planning is everything, every single thing needs to be planned, those planning “the perfect planning” will give you more actionable measures, you want to achieve.

24. SMART Goals:

We all just want to be SMART. Proper time management strategies need to be planned and SMART. One of the most popular goal-setting techniques is SMART goals.

This technique was introduced in 1981 when a paper named “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives” was published by George T. Doran.

How it works:

Every written goal needs to be S.M.A.R.T.

  1. Specific: The goals need to be specific, clearly written outcomes and results.
  2. Measurable: This should be measurable, we can see the progress.
  3. Achievable: The goal should be achievable.
  4. Relevant: It must be clear, why you to do?
  5. Time-bound: It must have a deadline to achieve it.

25. OKR – Objectives and key results

OKR is a popular strategy to use, especially in business. As many companies like Google, uber, intel, LinkedIn use this to find their object and key result area to grow their business.

OKR is first introduced by the CEO of Intel, Andy Grove in his book “High Output Management”.

How it works:

The formula is very simple to use. When you set your goals make sure to have these two metrics;

  • Objectives: The objectives must be clear when you set any time goals and having a crystal clear objective will motivate you to do the work.
  • Key results: The key result area will define your position and improvement.

When you are planning make sure to add these two metrics into consideration.

  1. Take pen and paper.
  2. First write your objective, the main goal of doing this.
  3. Then find 3-5 key results to have clarity.

26. SCRUM – the most popular agile management framework

SCRUM is the most popular project management framework utilizes for setting minds for the development of good products and get the best out of them. This way the product gets ready faster and consumes less time.

Scrum is a software development term that was first used in a 1986 paper published in Harvard business review named “The New New Product Development Game” by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka.

To know more click here.

The term "SCRUM" is borrowed from a game called "rugby" and its use by the author simply emphasizes teamwork.

27. ABCDE:

The more thoughts you put on your planning the more possible chances of getting your plan executed and achieved.

This is first introduced by Brian Tracy, in their book, “Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time“.

A: These are the items that are very important to do or something you must do.

B: The “B” items are the items you do and have less importance from “A”

C: Things that are nice to do but don’t add value or don’t have any consequences.

D: The tasks which you can delegate to others to do.

E: This is the task you want to do but if you don’t do it, this will not impact your life. (Something that important at that time but no longer important )

28. RACI Matrix:

The Raci matrix is the simple process of managing big projects well enough and gets better results from them.

This matrix is used by many big companies, to avoid inefficiency and get better results for the company.

When a project is going on everyone has an important role and responsibility. The race matrix or also know as the Responsibility assignment matrix helps to identify everyone’s objective and their responsibilities.

How it works:

The Raci matrix has 4 types of roles to give to all members of the project.

Responsibility: The people who do the work or are responsible for navigating to others, basically project heads.

Accountable: The person who is responsible for approval of tasks, decisions,s or objectives. (Boss)

Consulted: Anyone who needs to sign off or approve the person to do the work.

Informed: Anyone who needs updates or information about the project.

Choosing a Time Management Technique That Works for You

This post is very confusing 😊 but you have to decide which technique, strategy, or tips will work for you.

if you can’t find then try to implement all the techniques then you will found the best that works for you.

You might notice some of the techniques are similar with small changes. If you enjoy reading this post or have any queries then just send me a message on Twitter. ❤️

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